Laurent Evrard


I am currently a researcher at the Faculty of Computer Science in the University of Namur. Before joining InfoSec Group, I worked as an application developper and a researcher on FEDER project IDEES/Co-innovation.


My research focuses on security access control for IoT platforms (Wallonia research project IDEES). I also have a great interest for Machine Learning applyied to computer security.




  • Evrard, L., François, J., Colin, J.-N., & Beck, F. (2019). port2dist: Semantic Port Distances for Network Analytics. Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management 2019.
  • Evrard, L., François, J., & Colin, J.-N. (2019). Attacker Behavior-Based Metric for Security Monitoring Applied to Darknet Analysis. Proceedings of the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management 2019.